Monday, March 25, 2019

That pinball feeling hasn't left yet hahaha. This week was all over the place! Elder Peery will be home for 2 weeks for some medical things and so we had to take all of his stuff to Budapest with us. They're redoing the railway between Miskolc and Budapest so we took a train for part of the journey and then transferred to a bus. While we were on the train, we met a really nice old man named Béla who loved music. He wasn't really interested in our message, but we suggested that he listen to the Tabernacle Choir and he was super excited. He was a really nice, funny man and we were good friends by the end of the trip.

Wednesday morning I said goodbye to Elder Peery and met with my new companion, Elder Hough. Immediately after we met up we had MLC, which was incredible. We brainstormed some ideas for how to be more effective missionaries and established goals and plans for the future of the mission. After that, we moved all of Elder Hough's stuff plus 2 fold up beds back to Miskolc. Fun little tender mercy: As we were walking home with all of this stuff, I was thinking, "Man, the day is over and I didn't really get to talk to many people." Just then, a woman standing outside of a bar said, "Hey, are those fold up beds? How much did they cost?" Anyway, this sparked a conversation and we talked with this woman and 3 friends for about 15 minutes. It was awesome! And, as we were walking away, Elder Hough said, "Just before that happened, I was feeling bummed that we weren't able to talk to many people today and then they stopped us!" Long story short, we both had the same feeling and God threw us both the same bone! Pretty cool.

We got to meet with some new people and had some really amazing lessons. I'll let you all know if things keep progressing, but until then I'll just leave you with that little tid-bit. Just know that the work is going great here in Miskolc. Adjusting to teaching a completely new set of people is kind of like a little speed bump, but it's not so bad. The Lord has totally helped me to figure things out and helped Elder Hough and I to survive haha.

On Saturday, we had an awesome opportunity to serve at a facility for autistic people here in Miskolc. They moved headquarters and needed help moving furniture and things, so we went and helped them out. It was a ton of fun but man, my arms were dead by the end hahaha. The best was when we had to carry a massive rolling printer that had to be like 300 pounds or so up 2 levels of stairs. It's a good thing the Missionary Department recently put out some missionary safety videos, because we totally had a safety moment before lifting hahaha. Needless to say, we were all unharmed and had fun getting to serve!

The big miracle of the week was on Sunday, when we saw two families of 4 returning members with whom we're working walking in the front doors! It was so awesome to see them all there in Church and everyone had a great time. Seriously, this is a huge miracle and I was just sooo happy to see them!

I seriously love being a missionary. I just get to talk to cool people and do cool stuff and live in a cool place and make friends and have the biggest adventure ever ALL THE TIME! And the best part is the growth and the things I'm learning. I know that Christ lives and that He knows us. His care for us and our relationship with Him is so much more personal than we sometimes realize. I know that He is aware of each and every one of us and our personal needs. He really can help us and heal us and give us the strength we need to push forward and do His will. 

I love the Gospel and love being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ. There are just so many things that make me think, "Man, this HAS to be true. It just makes so much sense!" The best evidence that all of this is true comes from the Spirit in these little moments that we all can have throughout the day as we study, pray, and live righteously. 

Life is seriously so good. Just think about it. We'll talk next week haha.


Elder Burnett

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