Wednesday, February 27, 2019

We're just gonna bullet point this bad boy because I can't think of any creative introduction paragraph :)

-Started the week off with exchanges with the Szeged Elders. I was with Elder De Baun and we had an awesome time together tearing up Debrecen and talking to everyone. We probably walked a good 20 miles (just kidding I have no idea how far we walked, but it was a lot) talking to everyone we crossed paths with.

-We met with some Jehovah's Witnesses and they were actually really respectful and we had a great conversation. Really pleasant experience, honestly!

-Went out of town a few kilometers to a garden center that one of the members' family owns and did service. We got our hands dirty moving hay bales and potted trees and stuff.

-We were doing our studies in the city square on some benches and 3 grown men came up to us and tried really hard to bash us. We were really unimpressed with their arguments and honestly left a bit disappointed in them. We knew that the best way to diffuse them was to bear testimony, so we just shared our experiences with the Book of Mormon, invited them to read it, got up, and left. I'm sure they were disappointed that we didn't argue with them and that we left them without a victory. Maybe they'll have a change of heart someday. Who knows?

-Immediately after the 3 man Bible bash ambush, we went to an appointment with a woman named Adrian. We had called her from the area book the day before and she excitedly said, "I've been thinking about you! I just got a new job as a journalist for a big newspaper. Why don't we meet up sometime to talk?" Of course, we scheduled an appointment without hesitation. Anyway, we went to the meeting expecting to get to know her and understand her experience with the missionaries in the past and hopefully rekindle the fire to investigate, but when we showed up we were sat down in a big office with a professional camera man and a voice recorder! Turns out, she wanted to do an interview to write a piece in the newspaper about us. It was honestly one of the most incredible experiences I've ever had. I didn't have to think about anything; we had answers to every question she asked and I could feel that the words coming out of my mouth were not my own. Don't take this the wrong way, but I kind of felt like an Apostle when they talk to the press. Anyway, after the interview, Adrian said in amazement, "I can't believe that I just conducted such a professional interview with two 20 year old boys. You had answers to every question, and you didn't even have to think about it. I have goosebumps!" To that, I just bore testimony of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and how members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints really live what they believe and try their best to follow Christ's example and because of this, our faith is just a part of who we are and it's no challenge to share that with others. It was an awesome opportunity! Hopefully we can get our hands on a copy of the paper!

-We started meeting with some young students from Pakistan (3 roommates). We taught them the Restoration and brought them a copy of the Book of Mormon in Urdu. They're super cool and we had a blast talking with them! We're meeting with them again on Friday and they want to feed us some traditional food from Pakistan!

-Met a really sweet British man named Ken. He's a very devout Christian and loves the missionaries. We're going to introduce him to the Ockeys and hope that he'll accept the Gospel :)

-We went to the actual middle of nowhere and met with a man named Jozsef. He's a humble man with an incredible story. He reminds me of Alma the younger. He loved our message and wants to be baptized, so we will be working very closely with him to help him make that covenant and change his life even more!

The glowing things are a bunch of cats.

Alright this is already getting pretty long so I'll end it there. I love missionary work and I love being a missionary. It's an incredible experience to be a representative of Jesus Christ in Hungary and I'm honored to have such a job! I have seen hearts touched and lives changed this week and it's such a sweet feeling to be a part of that. I know that the Lord lives and that He loves each and every one of us! He loves the people of Hungary, He loves me, and He loves you! Try to take a moment to think about what that really means. It'll change your life.

Also, life rocks. Just sayin'.


Elder Burnett

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