Monday, February 18, 2019

I'm pretty sure I spent more time outside of Debrecen than in Debrecen this week...

Started off the week with exchanges in Nyíregyháza with Elder Proctor. We had a good time working hard and trying to find people to teach. We worked all Wednesday and then Thursday morning we had a 6 am train ride to Budapest for Zone Conference/Gary Sabin Mission Tour meetings. Elder Sabin is my hero, honestly. His General Conference talk "Stand Up Inside and Be All-In" is my favorite talk, so getting to hear from him all day was such a blessing. I couldn't hardly take enough notes because everything he said just made me feel like he was speaking directly to me.

I've had a few questions that I've been thinking about recently and I've prayed and pondered and sought answers for a while now. While at Conference, I realized that God was answering every one of my questions. I received specific impressions about things I need to do and ways that I can improve and it just helped me to realize that God knows each of us so personally. He heard my prayers and he prepared both me and Elder Sabin so that I could receive answers to those prayers in a personal and profound way. The Spirit touched my heart as I listened and took careful notes and I cannot deny the amazing feelings I had. I know that God loves us and cares about each of us. He hears our prayers, and He answers those prayers in His own time! I'm grateful for that knowledge!

On Friday I had the privilege of participating in a combined Missionary Leadership Council with the Romanian missionaries. I always love it when they come because after working in the office for several months, I've gotten to know a few of them and it's a ton of fun to interact in person. I always feel loved when they come and it's just awesome that I've been able to make such good friends on my mission.

I'm also so grateful that because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we can be friends with people for eternity. That's AWESOME!

So you're probably dying for news about our little congregation we met with last week. We met with them again this week and they were just as loving and just as friendly and excited about what we were telling them. They've each committed to come to our Church services on March 10th, when I will be speaking in Sacrament meeting. No pressure ;) It'll be awesome. We gave each of them a copy of the Book of Mormon with our testimonies written in them. I am praying every night that they read from it and feel its power! That book changed my life completely and I just love the teachings it contains. I feel the Spirit each time I open its covers and each time I tell someone about it.

We're meeting with an awesome young woman named Angelic. She's here as a student, originally from Africa, and we had such a powerful meeting with her. I love teaching in English! She had great questions and was very interested in our unique message.

We finished off the week with a dinner appointment with the Ockeys and a part member family. The food was delicious, but the Hungarians thought it was a little odd hahaha. We had chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, salad, biscuit things, and cupcakes. The kids hesitant to try most of it, but Lajos and his wife thought it was delicious. Sister Ockey is a very talented lady (and we are very spoiled!)

Being a missionary is the coolest thing ever, just saying.

Also I got accepted to BYU Provo so that was great news! I'm looking forward to attending in the Fall of 2019.

It's crazy to think that over 2 years ago I entered the MTC. I'm loving my mission and every day is just another adventure filled with miracles and life-changing experiences.


Elder Burnett

p.s. President didn't call us and roast us about Skyping early, though we did wake up early to Skype. I hadn't considered the fact that p-day technically starts at 8 am and ends at 6 pm! We woke up early to email all the time in the MTC, and they wake up early to work in the Riciardi letter so I just thought we were being effective ;) President Hettinger clarified in an email that p-day, including communication with family, should happen after 8 am, so consider the lesson learned :)

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