Wednesday, April 3, 2019

I'm too tired to think of an April fool's joke so let's just acknowledge the fact that it's April fool's day and move forward. The fact that I'm letting this opportunity slide is the real April fool's twist.

We got to go on exchanges in Eger this week. Eger is really a beautiful city! On top of the beautiful sights to see, there was some sort of car rally going on throughout the city. There were rally cars (I think?) of all makes driving around on display all day. They were noisy and smelly but it really was a cool experience.

We had a couple of really long days this week. Sometimes you just have an empty day with no planned programs. Those are the days when I like to go on big adventures. This week, we had two big adventure days in which we pretty much tracted and streeted the whole day away. Luckily, we had some cool areas to go and visit and our days were filled with some awesome conversations and great experiences helping others come closer to Christ. Seriously, we meet cool new people every day.

One such cool person was Robi. We were tracting in this community outside of the Avas and we saw Robi working on his car outside. We approached him and introduced ourselves and he was really open and interested in our message. He invited us to come back that same day, which is a mission first for me. We went out and tracted for a bit and came back at the specified time and Robi came out with his sisters (they're all probably in their late 20's early 30's). One of his sisters asked, "Have you come to teach us? Come in! Come in!" 

So we gathered around the table and taught Robi, his sisters and some of their kids, and his mother. The Spirit was very strong throughout the lesson and we had a great conversation. Unfortunately, they weren't quite ready to make any solid commitments, but they agreed to have us back and they loved the lesson. I know that God led us there that day, as He always does. It never ceases to amaze me. I've noticed that as I actively seek God's hand in my life, I can notice His gentle guidance and support both retrospectively and throughout the day. Little promptings throughout the day lead us to miracles and incredible experiences, like the one we had with Robi and his family. 

How has the Lord guided you lately? When was the last time you followed a prompting from the Spirit? What blessings have you seen as you followed a prompting? These are questions that we may benefit from asking ourselves. You may find that you are guided much more than you before realized. Conversely, you also may realize that you might need to change some things in order to allow God to guide you a bit more. Small habits and practices make the biggest differences, really, and the practice of self evaluation coupled with prayer and seeking the Lord's will can help us to become who God wants us to become. 

Go and seek the Lord's will and accomplish something great this week! Feel free to share with someone too. You never know how that might help! :)


Elder Burnett

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