Monday, April 22, 2019

Easter is such a beautiful time to be a missionary. The trees are blossoming, the flowers are blooming, there are spiders flying around on webs, bugs invading our homes, and the pollen in the air has been relentlessly assaulting my eyes and nostrils all week hahahaha. It's a wonderful, miserable time :-^)

I think it's perfect that Easter comes at the start of the Spring season. We celebrate the Atonement and resurrection of the Savior, Jesus Christ, at a time when everything around us seems to wake up with new life and energy. While this does mean pollen and bugs, I appreciate the symbolism and reminder of my Savior and everything that He did for me. Because of Him, we have fresh starts and new beginnings, just like the flowers and bugs do.

We had an amazing week and were able to share these feelings of excitement, gratitude, and reverence with so many people. We met with and shared an Easter message with 18 of our returning member friends and several other non-member friends, not to mention countless people on the streets. 

I can't even tell you how many little miracles we experienced this week... it would take quite a while to write out the details, so I'll just tell you that I know without a doubt that God is so very aware of me and every one of His children. We had several "perfect timing" moments, so many tender lessons, and just felt a lot of love from God and for His sheep here in Miskolc.

Sorry I'm pretty much awful at summarizing my weeks, but really all I can say is that God is real, Christ lives, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God's kingdom on the earth. Things are great. I love Miskolc, I love my companions, and I love missionary work!


Elder Burnett

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