Monday, October 8, 2018

I'd love to write about everything that happened this week, but neither you nor I have the time for that! I'll try to hit some highlights of the week.

-We found 3 new people to teach and had back to back lessons for the first time in this area in months.
-I got to go on exchanges with Elder Martin here in Buda and had one of the busiest days of my mission.
-We were blessed to be able to watch 3 sessions of General Conference in English up in the office (not sure when we'll watch the Sunday afternoon session). Most people watch the sessions at home, but as some households don't have internet access or television, the broadcast is made available at each meeting house in the country.
-We got news that Elder Quentin L. Cook and Elder Gary B. Sabin will be visiting Hungary and Romania at the end of October. Lot's of preparations are being made, and we're all very excited for their visit!
-I spent a lot of time planning travel for the Romanian missionaries to get to Bucharest for that event. I'm still working on getting them all back home, but as the information on Elder Cook's plans is limited, I'm not sure when I should send them home! Coordinating travel in Romania has been one of my biggest challenges in the office. Each event is its own puzzle with its own unique challenges and requirements. I'm happy to do it, but it's time consuming.

Earlier this week, we decided to go finding with the Assistants. We have a big banner about the Book of Mormon 21 Day Challenge campaign that's going on, and we wanted to set it up in a high-traffic area where we could stop people walking past and try and start a conversation with them. 

When we set out, the wind was blowing, the rain was pouring and I was thinking, "Wouldn't our time be better used doing something else? We have plenty of people whom we could call from our area book, and there are even better locations outside of the wind and rain where we could try to find people. Is it even worth trying here right now?"

We set up the banner, which couldn't withstand the wind on its own. Elder Udy took off his belt and used it to secure the post of the banner to a big metal pole, which holds up a screen that has public transit times on it. When the wind blew, the top of the banner was secure, but the bottom would kind of fly around, so we really had to keep an eye on it.

The other Elders didn't even seem phased by the weather, or by how silly our set up was so I didn't say anything. 

Despite the weather, and my doubts, we had the most successful session of finding I've had on my mission. We had many wonderful conversations and found several new people to teach. After a few hours, we were about to pack up and go to a meeting we had scheduled, but Elder Udy and I decided to stay for just 15 minutes more. Within those 15 minutes, we found another person with whom we are now meeting! I know that the Lord guided us to that location that day. I feel silly for doubting for even a second that our work would be in vain because of the weather. The Lord knows what He is doing, and He is constantly leading us to those who are prepared to receive the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm humbled and grateful for this lesson.

I'm also so grateful for the opportunity that we had to listen to General Conference this weekend. So many powerful lessons, warnings and guidance as to how we should lead our lives in these days. We are so blessed to be members of Jesus Christ's Church, which has been restored in our day. We can know with a surety that He is leading and directing His people. The council that we receive during General Conference gives us the direction and guidance tailored to our needs. The Spirit can whisper to our hearts and minds things that we can do to improve and keep on the Covenant Path. 

I noticed themes like being firm, steadfast and immovable, being proactive in the fight between good and evil, building our lives on the foundation of Jesus Christ and His teachings, finding peace and hope in this life because of our Savior and more. Anyone who sincerely listens to the words spoken at General Conference will see that all who speak in Conference have a singular purpose; to bring us all closer to Jesus Christ, and to help build our faith in Him through teaching us correct principles. I felt it time and time again as I listened. This Church is Christ's Church. These are His servants. This is His Gospel. I know it, and you can too if you study and pray.

Sok szeretettel,

Burnett elder

The translators all knew the big announcements long before the rest of us. They do a live translation with a 5 minute buffer, but the talks are translated in advance, as far as I know.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. What a great experience he is having. Thank you so much for sharing!
