Monday, July 23, 2018

Buckle up, it was another crazy week!

Brief list of events worth mentioning, but not necessarily explaining:

-Got to go to Győr and spend the day at the immigration office (super not fun)
-Got yelled at by a weird English Speaking guy who told us to go back to America, called us criminals, and told everyone we just wanted their property (not true btw)
-Got to walk Déva (gross dog in our neighborhood)
-Pretty sure there's a lot that I'm missing, but that's okay

List of things I forgot to mention in previous emails:

-Elder Gilson and I found some shoes in an Chinese outlet that were 500 forint (~2 USD). Naturally, we bought two pairs each. It cost us less than a big mac for both pairs combined, so we were joking that even if they last us a day, they'll be worth it. I've actually gotten compliments from several people on the street and they're always shocked when I tell them the price. They're also still holding up, even 2 weeks later! Hahahaha

 -Idk there's gotta be something else, but maybe I'll remember it next week.

We had a fantastic lesson with one of our investigators, Robi. He was found by the sisters last transfer and he comes to Church every week and stays for both hours (church starts at 10 here in Sopron and it's only 2 hours). We had planned to teach him the Plan of Salvation (which up to this point, hadn't been taught to him). We went through the lesson, and he said, "You know, it's funny... Everything you've said, I feel like I have always known. It all has a familiar ring to it, like I learned it in a dream sometime or something." My mouth just dropped and I could have sworn there was a camera crew right there, ready to film a new episode of The District!

We made baptism a big point of focus, and afterwards, I asked him if he would read and pray about what we taught him. He said, "I actually pray after every lesson, and I feel like what you guys teach is really awesome. I love the Book of Mormon and its teachings, and I think everyone should read it!" Then I said, "So if I understand correctly, you already believe what we teach?" To which he replied, "Yes." 

"And you believe that the Book of Mormon is true?"


"And that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is Christ's restored church on the earth?"


Then I looked at Elder Hudson and whispered, "Do it!"

Elder Hudson asked him if he would be baptized and Robi smiled and said, "Yes, I would like that very much!"

We set a date for August 18th and he was super excited about it. The guy is just amazing. We saw him at church the next day and he seemed a little tired, so I asked "Did you sleep well last night?" To which he replied, "No, I was up reading all night. You sent me that scripture in a text after our lesson, and I read it, but I wanted more, so I read the rest of the chapter too. Then I wanted to learn more, so I just kept reading and reading and reading and before I knew it, it was late into the night."

I'm sorry, is this a Liahona story or something? It was so exciting and I'm so grateful to be able to work with Robi and see him learn and grow. He even said the prayer in Sunday School at church.

Things are going super well here in good ol' Sopron. There are tons of nice people, and tons of not so nice people. I think I already mentioned it last week, but we're pretty much friends with every drunk homeless person and every néni on our side of the city. It's great. We can't even go out once without seeing at least one of our friends!

I'm working on bravery and talking with everyone. Fear is a tool of the devil. Even though I know that, when a super buff dude with tattoos, long hair, and maybe a nose gauge (yeah, those exist) walks past me, sometimes I am a little apprehensive about talking with them. I sometimes think, "You know what, he doesn't really look like he's in the mood to talk with us right now. Maybe next time we'll catch him in a better mood." 

I know, I know... it's not my place to decide for him whether or not he wants to talk with us. My job is to just get out there and go for it. In the classroom of my high school math class, there was a poster that I often quote (usually after I tell a joke that doesn't land). It says, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

I hate to say it, but that poster is right! Our job is to just go out and shoot! (don't take that quote out of context, for my sake). You never know which of your shots will land. For example, Elder Jones and I were out tracting one time my first transfer, and we were walking past this guy who looked like Hungarian Hulk Hogan, but if he had joined the Hell's Angels. We decided to try to talk to him, despite the aura of intimidation that surrounded him, and he ended up being super cool! We occasionally ran into him at the grocery store and he would always make an effort to say hi to us.

I just know that God loves each and every one of His children, and He is directing our lives so that we can achieve our ultimate potential if we just trust in Him and follow His plan for us. I'm so grateful for the Gospel and all of the blessings that come from it. The knowledge that we have as members of Christ's true church is valuable beyond compare. How lucky we are that we have such knowledge, as well as the privilege of sharing it with others! Even the ones who we think might not accept it. Go out and shoot! You never know which shot will land!

Sok szeretettel,

Burnett Elder

Hungarian of the week: "örömtűz"  means "bonfire" but literally translates to "joy fire". I think it's fitting.

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