Monday, May 6, 2019

May has come, my allergies have calmed down, and the weather has gotten unexpectedly cold. I even had to bust out my winter coat yesterday! It's been raining for about 3 days now and will probably continue for a while. 

Last week while doing our p-day shopping, Elder Peery and I made an impulse decision to buy two flowers. We took them home and found an old jar and an empty sour cream container which we then took out to the lot by our apartment to dig up some dirt. As we were digging up dirt and planting our new friends, we were just laughing with excitement when an old bácsi walked by and said, "You boys are doing a fine job!" It was basically a moment of pure joy. We named our flowers Derek and Mitch. They've taught us a lot, actually.

As we were talking about Derek and Mitch and all the joy they brought to our apartment, we created a perfect spiritual analogy, which is not at all original, but nonetheless entirely applicable. Our lives are like plots of land, each with its own unique variety of vegetation. In our gardens, good habits are like flowers, which make our plots beautiful and our lives fulfilling. Bad habits are the weeds of our lives, which choke out our flowers and distract from the overall beauty of our plots.

Each night, Elder Peery and I have been discussing different flowers, or good habits, that we want to keep watering and different weeds, or bad habits, that we could pluck out. It's been a great practice that has helped us not only to see the good things that we're doing, but also make little course corrections that help us to be even better :)

So many cool things have happened this week. The funny thing about missionary work is that there are tons of things that I think are super cool, but really aren't super worth mentioning because without the full picture, I just can't do the experience justice in an email. It's kind of like my whole life is a "you had to be there" thing, you know? So, like the Prophets of old, it sufficeth to say that my week was awesome. We experience miracles and tender mercies every single day.

I know that God lives and loves each and every one of us! It's been such a blessing to be able to just truthfully say every day that I feel my Savior's love. The coolest part is that YOU can feel it too. Seriously! All you have to do is be obedient, be faithful, and try your best. There's no secret, no trick, no hidden fee. You can just be loved by the most powerful beings who exist JUST because you are Theirs. Think about that and pray about it. It's one of the most amazing truths that we can know.

I'm grateful to be blessed rotten :)


Elder Burnett

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