Wednesday, November 14, 2018

My life continues to present to me some of the most interesting and incredible opportunities! This week, that opportunity was a video-chat lesson with a man named Paul. Paul and his wife, Monika, live in Brasov, Romania and have been meeting with the missionaries there for some time now (one of them being my good friend, Sora Colt!). Monika was recently baptized, but Paul wants to know and understand more before he makes a decision. Their mother language is Hungarian, but the missionaries have been teaching them in Romanian. This week, we decided to try a video-chat lesson in Hungarian, and it was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had.

Parker's office:

We did our best to answer Paul's questions and explain to him how he can gain a testimony of the truthfulness of these things through the Holy Ghost. We asked Monika to share her experiences as well, and you could just feel a great love and power in the room. We promised Paul that he could find the answers to his questions, and that the Lord would help him to know for himself what is true and good.

After the lesson, the Sisters reported that Paul was speechless. He was finally understanding what the Sisters have been trying to explain to him all this time, and he said that he felt some power as we talked together in his mother language. I know that God is mindful of Paul and Monika, and they may be one of the reasons for Romania and Hungary becoming one mission. The Lord is in every detail. He knows us perfectly and He has put us in each other's paths! It never fails to amaze me!

Other highlights of the week:
-Stake Conference in Pest
-Reorganized the Office
-A new Missionary Office Couple, the Hinckleys, arrived a few days ago
-Transfers! (Surprise, I'm staying in the office!)
-Probably a lot of other stuff that I can't think of right now

The Lord is at the helm! I'm so grateful for all of your love and support, and wish you a wonderful week!


Burnett elder

Thank you for your understand (sic).

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