Monday, October 1, 2018

I really don't even know where to start with this one... This week was absolutely bonkers.

As we were walking home from shopping, I was telling Elder Udy about how we're pretty blessed in the office because a lot of people feed us. I said, "Life here is pretty good. It seems that meals are just placed under our feet as we step. Unfortunately, we probably won't get fed today because it's Saturday and nobody is in the office." I'm not kidding, not 5 minutes later, we were waiting at a red light when a woman tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Hi, I'm a manager at KFC and we're conducting a survey today about some potential new products. Would you be interested in doing a taste test for us? It's free!"

I am thoroughly convinced, from this experience alone, that God both has a sense of humor and looks out for His children!

KFC is trying to release some products that are catered specifically to Hungarian taste buds. They started out with some questions like, "How old are you?" and "How often do you eat at KFC?" (they wrote false information for both of those questions, by the way. Why would they want to skew their own survey? Beats me!) Then they asked the real questions. First, the woman conducting the survey asked me "How pleased are you with the way that this chicken wrap looks?" and I said, "Well, it looks like any other chicken wrap I've ever had in my entire life, so I guess it's fine." but she wouldn't accept that. "Put it on a scale from 1 to 10." She said. "Hmmm maybe like a 6. It's nothing special but I guess it's not bad." I replied. Then she asked things like, "How does it make you feel knowing that there's corn in there?" and other funny stuff like that.

The test went like this for about 20 minutes and ended with her giving me a free chocolate bar and a handshake. I felt pretty important, shaping the future of KFC here in Hungary like that. I should have given her a pass along card with our number on it, just in case they ever have any more surveys.

The Romanian Assistants, Elder Welling (from Finland) and Elder Krylborn (from Sweden), came in on Tuesday and stayed the night with us.  After picking them up at the airport, we took them back to our apartment and treated them to a dinner of rakott krumpli and igazi madár tej (look it up, they're both delicious). We had so much fun together! They were here to pick up the new Romanian missionary who just came in and to help us figure some things out here in the office. We were laughing pretty much non-stop the whole time they were here. Elder Welling's American impersonation is hilarious! 

"Where's my barbecue corn, dude?" -Elder Welling

They stayed 2 nights with us and as soon as they were gone, we found ourselves headed back to the airport to pick up Elders Olmstead and Froerer, who came for a special training on how to use Facebook. Two guys who work for the Church in Freiberg came to give us an all day training on how we are going to use Facebook to spread the Gospel. It was actually one of the coolest experiences ever! Elder Udy and I are now editors of the official Church page in Hungary. No pressure. We get to respond to comments and messages, post content, and monitor the page. We've been doing it for a few days now, and it's quite a bit of fun! The sisters who are also monitoring the page even got an investigator out of it already! Super cool. Why have we been knocking on doors to invite others to come unto Christ when there's literally an invite button (invitation to like the page) on Facebook? Just kidding, tracting still yields results as well.

Speaking of which, Elder Udy and I got an interesting let in yesterday. We were knocking on doors in a 5 story block and a couple from China answered the door. They spoke neither English, nor Hungarian, but invited us in nonetheless. We used charades to explain why we were there and we were all laughing pretty hard about the whole situation. They were so friendly! They gave us some Coke and an email address, and we're going to send them some links to Church websites in Chinese.

I'm so excited for General Conference! The Conference schedule is interesting here. What's the Saturday morning session in America is actually the Saturday evening session here in Hungary. We'll likely watch the sessions with members in our meeting house.

General Conference is such a wonderful opportunity to receive personal revelation and guidance. It's really quite a miraculous event. Think about it! Speakers prepare messages that will touch the hearts of millions of people who they don't personally know. We get to hear the word of the Lord, as delivered by His chosen representatives here on the earth! His Apostles, His Prophets, His Disciples, His humble followers... They are all inspired by Him and will share guidance with us that will be a bastion of peace for us in the coming 6 months. I encourage you all to prepare for this special time by thinking of, and writing down, your concerns and questions. Pray about them and seek personal revelation. I promise that in some way, through some channel, God will answer your question in a very personal way. He wants to speak to YOU and He will! Just listen.

I love you all and I love my Savior, Jesus Christ. I am grateful to be a member of His restored Church in the latter-days! Life is good.

Sok szeretettel,

Burnett elder

Hungarian of the week: Instead of giving someone "knuckles", Hungarians give "krumpli" which means "potato".

"Bro, that was sick! Give me some potato!"

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