Monday, July 8, 2019

Where do I start with this one? Maybe I'll start by saying how grateful I am to be a missionary. I feel so blessed to be in the position that I am in. All day, every day, the only thing I really have to worry about is helping other people to be happy and to find true, eternal happiness and purpose. That's pretty incredible.

We met with Sebastian, the man from Ecuador whom we met on our way back from Budapest a few weeks back. We gave him a tour of the Church building and taught him about the Restoration of Christ's gospel and he just loved it. He has great faith and we left that meeting with a giant smile on our faces. Thanks to our new smartphones, we were able to show him a little 1 minute video about the Book of Mormon in his native language! Go technology!

We're so blessed here in Miskolc because we have a lot of different people to meet with. It's good to stay busy, and it's very rewarding to crash into bed at the end of the day, exhausted but happy, knowing that there are so many people here who love us and who are learning and growing.

On Wednesday, we got to wake up at 4 am to go to Budapest for Zone Conference; my very last one! I always feel an extra boost of energy and excitement after Zone Conference, and this one was no exception. We had Hawaiian haystacks for lunch and had a little debate about whether or not pretzels should be part of the haystack. I am of the opinion that they are a perfect substitute for the little Chinese noodle thingys. What do you think?

This was my last Zone Conference so I gave my departing testimony. It didn't quite hit me all at once what was going on. The end really is coming! How crazy! I guess the realization came in waves, a little when I was bearing my testimony, a little when people came up to me after the Conference to say goodbye (like wait, what?!), and most interestingly a little when I opened the window in one of the rooms of the Mission home and just stopped to look at the streets of Budapest for a moment. This really has been my home for so long! It'll be hard to leave it behind...

To celebrate the 4th of July, we just had a pretty normal day and had hamburgers and hotdogs for dinner. This is my 3rd Independence day away from America! I miss fireworks, so why don't you save some for me and we can set them off together when I get home? :)

I think that the highlight of this week was yesterday, when we went to Eger to conduct some baptismal interviews. Eger is a beautiful city with a fairly small Branch. Elders have been serving in the Branch Presidency there for as long as I've been here, I think. Last transfer, everyone was shocked to hear that Sisters would be coming to replace the Elders! There were some understandable concerns about how the Branch would function without the Priesthood support of Elders, but with faith, the decision was made. Well, the Lord is certainly aware of Eger and His little Branch there! Soon after the Sisters started working there, two awesome men, Oszkár and Gyula, were found. It was my privilege to interview each of them yesterday and they are both incredibly prepared and excited to be baptized.

I know that we have a Father in Heaven who loves us and is aware of each of us. Sometimes, we may be asked to do things that at first, we don't understand. Sometimes, we may not see the logic, but I know that as we faithfully follow the Spirit and His promptings, we will always be blessed for our faithful obedience. I know that the Lord is hastening His work and I'm so happy to be a part of that great work here in Hungary! I'm excited for the Eger Branch to receive the much needed strength and support that these two good men will provide.

I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and know that He lives and leads us in our day. I could never be grateful enough for this knowledge or for the blessings that come from it.


Elder Burnett

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