Friday, April 12, 2019

Alright, what's new.....hmmmmm

-I turned 21 (weeeeeeee!)
-My drivers license expired
-We had exchanges with the Szolnok Elders here in Miskolc and Elder Fales and I laughed way too hard at getting rejected (6 times in 30 seconds? LOL, we'll get 'em next time!)
-Went up to Buda to have exchanges with the Assistants. I love those two. We had so much fun in my old stomping grounds!
-Oh yeah, speaking of Budapest, announcements were made for a temple to be built here! Words just aren't adequate to describe the impact that this will have on the people of Hungary. This is exactly what the people need and marks a turning point in the history of this country and of the Church of Jesus Christ here. What unexpected, but exciting news! The Lord really is hastening His work. It's go time!

Besides all of that, we've been blessed to have incredible people to meet with here in Miskolc. Huge things are happening here. Our woodpile is getting stacked and there is so much potential. Miracles are going to continue happening and they're going to get bigger and bigger, just mark my words! I love missionary work and I love being a missionary. I've met some of the coolest people ever. 

This week's cool person is Gergő. I don't remember if I've said anything about him, but basically he's incredible, teaches math, and loves God. He's currently scheduled to be baptized soon and we're all super excited! Anyway, Gergő came to watch General Conference with us and it was just perfect. He even adjusted his schedule so that he could come to another session too! Super huge step for him and a real miracle that he was able to clear his busy schedule to make time for Conference. We know he'll be blessed for his efforts to make time for the Lord!

A few of our other friends came as well and it was so cool to see them all listening to the words of the Apostles, the Prophet, and other Church leaders.

Huge miracle of the week comes from Elder Hough and Elder McCann. They contacted a young couple from Poland in the park and had like a 45 minute conversation with them about the Gospel and invited them to come to YSA night. Well, guess who showed up! (it was them!) The kicker is that there was another YSA there from Poland, so they were super pumped to talk with each other and it was just a huge amazing culmination of a lot of tiny dominoes being stacked up and knocked over. God is in the details.

Oh, also I might get deported. But I'll tell you more about that here in a minute when I know what's going on :) Long story short, I have a residence permit that is valid until the 17th of April. Originally, I would have been long gone by now, but because of the 6 month extension my legality expires before my missionary service! We're working on that. I applied for another permit a month or two ago and it was denied soooo... It's gonna be an adventure :)

Don't let that worry you to much. The Lord is at the helm and what ever happens will obviously be part of His plan. Can't wait to see what that means... hahahaha.

Have an awesome week! What are you going to do differently because of what you learned at Conference? Did you have questions answered? Write things down! You'll never think, "Dang it, I wish I didn't write down that impression I had during Conference!" 

Just saying.


Elder Burnett

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