Wednesday, January 16, 2019

If I had a dollar for every time I went to Buda this week, I could buy 2 things off of the dollar menu (which doesn't exist here) at Meki's (McDonald's)! My companion has had a pretty bad ingrown toenail that he was able to get fixed this week and then we had to go to Buda a second time for a follow-up appointment. We had exchanges with the Assistants the following day, so we all drove to Debrecen together where we held the exchange.

It snowed several times this week. Elder Fales and I decided to try and do some service and we went and shoveled side walks for people. I was amazed by how many people let us help! I've always had a hard time finding service opportunities in Hungary, because most people don't accept when you offer to help, but when it came to shoveling snow, everyone was so happy to get help. We had a lot of really good conversations and practically made friends with an entire neighborhood of people. As I was shoveling one walk belonging to someone who wasn't home, their neighbor peeked his head over the fence and commented, "They are going to be so pleasantly surprised when they come home to find their walk cleared!" Then I talked with that man and his wife for a bit and they were just amazed that two young kids were out shoveling for people. It was an awesome little service activity. Plus, Sister Ockey fed us dinner right after and it was amaaaaaaaazing.... We're so spoiled... From the moment we sat down to the moment we were out the door again, our dinner was 18 minutes. Not only was it delicious, but it was fast and effective!

Other Highlights of the Week:
-We met a man named John from New York who lives down the street from us. He heard that we used to play baseball in the church yard, so we might put a little sports night together and invite him.
-Honestly I can't really think of anything else. Lots of finding and other little stuff filled our week.

I miss the sun. It was shining for about an hour this morning, but we're back to grey skies and cold wind. I never really believed that the weather could actually affect my mood, but I've noticed a difference in my energy and overall happiness as we've trudged through snow in the cold darkness. I think that a great lesson can be learned from this. If we don't constantly tend to our spiritual matters and give our souls daily "spiritual sunlight" it really does make a difference. It may not be all at once; I certainly didn't notice a difference after just one sunless day; but over time, our spirits really do grow weary and weak when they aren't supported and nourished. Go give your soul some sunlight! Give yourself some sunlight! Seriously, it will make you feel better!

We've got a packed week coming up with Zone Conference, interviews, and of course tons of appointments with all sorts of cool people. It's gonna be awesome.


Elder Burnett

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